Young Adults

Young Adults

Young Adults at Mounty (18-30) explore the life of faith together through topical services, bible study and various fun social events throughout the year. We gather for meals, movies, meaningful conversation and friendship. 

Past Events

Whole Church Hike
The YA hosted a hike, where the whole church was invited for an afternoon in the Perth Hills. A picnic lunch was followed by a hike to Rocky Pool!
Easter Camp 2022
The YA spent the Easter long weekend in Busselton, going through 1 Corinthians, walks on the beach, fellowship and a game of big ball golf.
Beach BBQ
Mounty YA combined with North Beach Baptist Church Young Adults for a night at the beach, bbq dinner and fellowship.
Spiritual Retreat
The YA spent a weekend at a beach house in Falcon. This was an opportunity for the group to reflect and spend personal time in the Bible and with God.
Youth Connect Night
The YA hung out with Mounty Youth Group to connect and encourage the teens. Hang outs were around the fire pits, with some classic games and a sausage sizzle.
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